Source code for mofstructure.porosity

from __future__ import print_function

__author__ = "Dr. Dinga Wonanke"
__status__ = "production"
import os
import numpy as np
from pyzeo.netstorage import AtomNetwork
from pyzeo.area_volume import volume, surface_area
from import AseAtomsAdaptor
import mofstructure.filetyper as File_typer

[docs] def zeo_calculation(ase_atom, probe_radius=1.86, number_of_steps=10000, high_accuracy=True, rad_file=None): ''' Main script to compute geometric structure of porous systems. The focus here is on MOF, but the script can run on any porous periodic system. The script computes the accesible surface area, accessible volume and the pore geometry. There are many more outputs which can be extracted from ,vol_str and sa_str. Moreover there are also other computation that can be done. Check out the test directory in dependencies/pyzeo/test. Else contact if you need more output and can't figure it out. **parameter:** ase_atom: ase atom object probe_radius: The radius of the probe. Here 1.86 is used as default number_of_steps: Number of GCMC simulation cycles high_accuracy: key to determine where to perform high accuracy computation **return:** **python dictionary containing** 1) AV_Volume_fraction: Accessible volume void fraction 2) AV_A^3: Accessible volume in A^2 3) AV_cm^3/g: Accessible volume in cm^3/g. This values is often infinity because it literatly divides the given value by the avogadro's number 4) ASA_A^2: Accessible surface area A^2 5) ASA_m^2/cm^3: Accessible surface area in m^2/cm^3 6) Number_of_channels: Number of channels present in the porous system, which correspond to the number of pores within the system 7) LCD_A: The largest cavity diameter is the largest sphere that can be inserted in a porous system without overlapping with any of the atoms in the system. 8) lfpd_A:The largest included sphere along free sphere path is largest sphere that can be inserted in the pore 9)PLD_A:The pore limiting diameter is the largest sphere that can freely diffuse through the porous network without overlapping with any of the atoms in the system ''' tmp_cssr = 'tmp.cssr' tmp_out = 'tmp.res' tmp = ase_to_zeoobject(ase_atom) File_typer.put_contents(tmp_cssr, tmp) parameters = {} # atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(tmp_cssr) if rad_file is not None: try: atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR( tmp_cssr, rad_flag=True, rad_file=rad_file) except Exception as e: print( "please edit your rad file. In the meantime, default radii will be used.") atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(tmp_cssr) else: atmnet = AtomNetwork.read_from_CSSR(tmp_cssr) vol_str = volume( atmnet, probe_radius, probe_radius, number_of_steps, high_accuracy=high_accuracy) if high_accuracy is True: vol_str = vol_str[0].decode("utf-8").split() else: vol_str = vol_str.decode("utf-8").split() parameters['AV_Volume_fraction'] = np.float64(vol_str[10]) parameters['AV_A^3'] = np.float64(vol_str[8]) # parameters['AV_cm^3/g'] = np.float64(vol_str[12]) sa_str = surface_area(atmnet, probe_radius, probe_radius, number_of_steps, high_accuracy=high_accuracy) if high_accuracy is True: sa_str = sa_str[0].decode("utf-8").split() else: sa_str = sa_str.decode("utf-8").split() parameters['ASA_A^2'] = np.float64(sa_str[8]) parameters['ASA_m^2/cm^3'] = np.float64(sa_str[10]) parameters['Number_of_channels'] = np.int64(sa_str[20]) atmnet.calculate_free_sphere_parameters(tmp_out) outlines = File_typer.get_contents(tmp_out) data = outlines[0].split() parameters['LCD_A'] = np.float64(data[1]) parameters['lfpd_A'] = np.float64(data[3]) parameters['PLD_A'] = np.float64(data[2]) if os.path.exists(tmp_cssr): os.remove(tmp_cssr) if os.path.exists(tmp_out): os.remove(tmp_out) return parameters
[docs] def ase_to_zeoobject(ase_atom): ''' Converts an ase atom type to a zeo++ Cssr object In zeo++ the xyz coordinate system is rotated to a zyx format. **parameter:** ase_atom: ase atom object **returns:** cssr_object: string representing zeo++ cssr object ''' pymol = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(ase_atom) a_axis, b_axis, c_axis = ase_atom.cell.lengths() alpha, beta, gama = ase_atom.cell.angles() load = [ f"{c_axis:.4f} {b_axis:.4f} {a_axis:.4f}", f"{gama:.2f} {beta:.2f} {alpha:.2f} SPGR = 1 P 1 OPT = 1", f"{len(ase_atom)} 0", f"{pymol.formula}" ] for index, atom in enumerate(ase_atom): charge = pymol[index].charge if hasattr(pymol[index], "charge") else 0 element = atom.symbol position = ase_atom.get_scaled_positions()[index] load.append( f"{index+1} {element} { position[2]:.4f} {position[1]:.4f} {position[0]:.4f} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {charge:.4f}") return "\n".join(load)